Team Illuminati

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Team Illuminati

xbox 360 multigaming clan

4 partecipanti

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    N3ON x Tigereye
    N3ON x Tigereye

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    Messaggio Da N3ON x Tigereye Gio 24 Dic 2009, 9:27 am
    N3ON x Genesis
    N3ON x Genesis

    Tag Live : N3ON x Genesis
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    Messaggio Da N3ON x Genesis Gio 24 Dic 2009, 10:06 am

    NNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Meglio così và... Icon_evil Meglio così và... Icon_evil Meglio così và... Icon_evil Meglio così và... Suspect Meglio così và... Suspect Meglio così và... Suspect Meglio così và... Confused Meglio così và... Confused Meglio così và... Confused Meglio così và... Icon_mad Meglio così và... Icon_mad Meglio così và... Icon_mad
    N3ON x Genesis
    N3ON x Genesis

    Tag Live : N3ON x Genesis
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    Messaggio Da N3ON x Genesis Lun 04 Gen 2010, 10:43 am

    Ultime novità, e questa volta si tratta delle ricompense uccisioni.

    I ragazzi di Infinity Ward stanno lavorando ad una patch che eliminera definitivamente il sistema delle Kill Steak in favore di un piu' meritocratico sistema denominato "Momentum System".

    Le kill saranno comulative e il counter non verra resettato con la morte ma solo se viene utilizzato: in pratica si dovra decidere se usare l'uav subito o aspettare di raggiungere l'ammontare di kill sufficiente per il predator.

    Saranno valide come punteggio momentum anche l'assistenza ai compagni di squadra i disinneschi e i gli inneschi di bombe anche se non si sa' ancora che peso avranno.


    Infinity Ward Announces New "Momentum System" For Modern Warfare 2

    This morning, Robert Bowling (@fourzerotwo) tweeted that a new "Momentum System" would replace the killstreak system in Modern Warfare 2, setting the internet abuzz. To the best of this GGM editor's knowledge, no modern video game has ever made such drastic changes to its core multiplayer structure in this manner, and you, dear reader, are in luck. Only GGM has the exclusive details about what you will see when the next title update hits on January 20th for both Xbox Live and Playstation Network.

    No More Killstreaks

    Yes, you read that right. Those precious killstreaks that you spend hours camping in the corner to earn are all going bye-bye. In their place is a brand new "Momentum System," which rewards you for actively, yet smartly, pushing on objectives and playing as a team. In practice, it's very simple: every time you earn a kill, capture an objective, plant a bomb, or do anything to help your team's cause, you gain points to fill your momentum meter. When your meter reaches key points, you can choose to "cash in" your meter for one of those precious bonuses, like a UAV, Sentry Gun, or the dreaded Chopper Gunner. But be careful: cashing in your meter will cause you to "spend" all of the points you've currently accumulated, bringing you back down to zero. So you'll have to decide if you think that a UAV now is better than a possible Predator Missile later.

    Lest you think this isn't fair when compared to the old system, wait until you hear this: getting killed will no longer reset your streak. That's right. If you die, your momentum will not be reset to zero under most circumstances (Bowling tells us that suicides or teamkills in Hardcore modes will reset the meter to zero). Rather, you'll incur a penalty to your meter. We pressing Bowling to tell us exactly how much you would lose, but all he would say was "it depends." Apparently they have some super-secret formula which takes into account what exactly you were doing when you died. For example, getting killed while running around in the open would cause a greater loss than getting killed while pressing on an objective.

    Speaking of deaths, we were also very excited to learn about the new "Noble Sacrifice" accolade, which rewards players who risk their lives to complete objectives. Said Bowling: "We noticed that many players wouldn't play aggressively because death is such a huge punishment in this game; the new 'Noble Sacrifice' award takes this away." Simply put, if you and two teammates work on capturing a flag in Domination, but you get killed while trying to grab it, as long as that flag is captured for your team, you will get a "Noble Sacrifice" message and won't incur a loss of momentum. This works in all objective based modes, and will hopefully encourage the more cowardly of you to actually put yourselves on the line for your team.

    But this brings us to the biggest change in the new system: Team Momentum. Not only will each player have an individual momentum, but so will each team. This momentum will swing back and forth as the match progresses based on how well each team is doing relative to the other. If the bar swings too far in one direction, one of the more devastating momentum bonuses will be automatically released. Yes, you guessed it: the dreaded "Tactical Nuke." In fact, the nuke is no longer an individual reward. It can only be earned by the team as a whole and serves as a sort of "Mercy Rule" for those highly lopsided matches. "We always viewed the nuke as a sort of mercy rule anyway," Bowling told us, "and we were very disappointed to see the way that the community reacted to its inclusion. With this new system, we feel that the tactical nuke will fit more naturally into the flow of the game."

    We got to go hands-on with the new system in an exclusive event held only for GGM, and we walked away incredibly impressed. While Team Deathmatch games felt almost identical (and, in fact, are essentially unchanged), the objective-based games felt like new life had been breathed into them. Personally, I was overjoyed by the newfound usefulness of the Riot Shield, as using it properly can now actually earn those precious bonuses we've all come to love. This feels like an entirely new game, one with a greater sense of camaraderie and teamwork. Obviously, the true test of this update will be when it releases next month to the incredibly vocal and picky Modern Warfare community, but the general consensus around the office is that we're sold on it.

    Be sure to check out our video section for exclusive footage of the new system in action

    Tag Live : rF II ReFLeX II
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    Meglio così và... Empty Re: Meglio così và...

    Messaggio Da manuelmilani Mar 05 Gen 2010, 12:24 am

    Non ho capito bene la roba delle kill steaak...Cmq a parte questo io nn vedo piu la chat ke devo fare??
    N3ON x Genesis
    N3ON x Genesis

    Tag Live : N3ON x Genesis
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    Meglio così và... Empty Re: Meglio così và...

    Messaggio Da N3ON x Genesis Mar 05 Gen 2010, 3:58 am

    manuelmilani ha scritto:Non ho capito bene la roba delle kill steaak...Cmq a parte questo io nn vedo piu la chat ke devo fare??

    La chat per il momento l'ho tolta. Mentre per il fatto delle kill, in poche parole, se fai per esempio 3 kill e quindi guadagni l'approvvigionamento puoi decidere di non usarlo e aspettare la 4 kill per guadagnare la torretta. Mentre se usi subito l'approvvigionamento per avere la torretta devi rifare di nuovo 4 kill, perchè le ricompense si azzerano e non continuano come adesso.
    N3ON x Claudio
    N3ON x Claudio

    Tag Live : N3ON x Claudio
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    Messaggio Da N3ON x Claudio Mar 05 Gen 2010, 11:06 am

    è una stronzata enorme quella che fanno
    N3ON x Tigereye
    N3ON x Tigereye

    Tag Live : N3ON x Tigereye
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    Messaggio Da N3ON x Tigereye Mar 05 Gen 2010, 4:14 pm

    nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo e ora come la chiamo l'atomica?

    Tag Live : rF II ReFLeX II
    Numero di messaggi : 53
    Età : 30

    Meglio così và... Empty Re: Meglio così và...

    Messaggio Da manuelmilani Mar 05 Gen 2010, 8:30 pm

    a ok grazie ora mi e chiaro cmq secondo me e una stronzata paurosa
    N3ON x Genesis
    N3ON x Genesis

    Tag Live : N3ON x Genesis
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    Meglio così và... Empty Re: Meglio così và...

    Messaggio Da N3ON x Genesis Mar 02 Feb 2010, 10:28 am
    N3ON x Genesis
    N3ON x Genesis

    Tag Live : N3ON x Genesis
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    Meglio così và... Empty Re: Meglio così và...

    Messaggio Da N3ON x Genesis Mar 02 Feb 2010, 12:20 pm

    Questo è per la PS3 ma credo è simile anche per la 360. (IN ITALIANO)

    N3ON x Claudio
    N3ON x Claudio

    Tag Live : N3ON x Claudio
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    Località : italia

    Meglio così và... Empty Re: Meglio così và...

    Messaggio Da N3ON x Claudio Mar 02 Feb 2010, 1:07 pm

    genesis facendo questa cosa ti porta al ban sicuro xò dell'account
    N3ON x Genesis
    N3ON x Genesis

    Tag Live : N3ON x Genesis
    Numero di messaggi : 1921
    Età : 43
    Località : Nola (NA)

    Meglio così và... Empty Re: Meglio così và...

    Messaggio Da N3ON x Genesis Gio 05 Ago 2010, 9:00 am

    Una demo tardiva per Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

    Se siete tra i pochi che non hanno mai provato il pluripremiato Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 e vi chiedete il perchè di tanto successo, Activision vi offre l'opportunità di verificarlo pubblicando oggi una versione dimostrativa del gioco. La demo, che come di consueto può essere scaricata anche dal web, è disponibile questa settimana solo agli utenti Live Gold e ci consentirà di affrontare una delle missioni del gioco, più precisamente "Cliffhanger", in cui dovremo scalare un'insidiosa montagna innevata e cercare di sopravvivere ad un intenso combattimento.

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